In honor of National Get Outdoors Day, SheJumps is excited to announce a new way to support our year-round programming: opening a bank account with Atmos.
But what does banking have to do with SheJumps? Read on!
As a community of skiers, climbers, hikers, runners, bikers—we understand that the climate crisis is a real and accelerating threat to the wild spaces we love. At SheJumps we have seen the impacts of climate change through shorter, drier winters, shrinking glaciers of the PNW and longer summer fire seasons that all affect the clean air, safe drinking water and abundant food we need not only to survive but thrive.
We’re all doing our part to lessen our individual footprint, and make more climate-conscious choices whenever we can.

Despite our best intentions to make better personal decisions to fight climate change, many of us might not be aware that our banks could be loaning out our deposit dollars to profit from the climate crisis. According to Rainforest Action Network, the world’s largest banks have invested $3.8T+ in fossil fuels and other extractive projects since the Paris Agreement was signed 5 years ago. When nearly every nation on earth convened to commit to decarbonization, big banks did the opposite. That means if you bank with JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, or many others, your deposit dollars may be used to finance projects that threaten our natural world. Crazy right?
That’s the bad news. The good news is that our friends at Atmos are building an entirely new banking model to solve this problem, and help you move your money into a regenerative banking system in the process. Atmos is a new banking platform that offers a high savings rate on FDIC insured deposits, and leverages those deposits to finance high-impact climate positive loans (like solar, EVs, regenerative agriculture, and more) to help expedite a transition to a clean economy. Plus, Atmos will never fund fossil fuels, along with a range of other extractive industries, from Industrial livestock and agriculture to fast fashion and more (full list here). Within the platform, Atmos empowers you to visualize the carbon emissions your deposit dollars avoid, just by having money with Atmos (every $1 in deposits avoids 2.34 CO2e per year). If you’ve been looking to change your bank, but may be unsure how to navigate all the greenwashing out there right now, Atmos is the answer.
So why are we telling you all this?
Atmos will donate $15 to SheJumps for every new customer, and will pay you a higher interest rate if you set up a regular donation to SheJumps within the Atmos platform (which you could donate back to SheJumps, just saying!). In the next month, Atmos is introducing a debit card account, where you’ll also be able to round up purchases and donate that as well. All donations are tracked conveniently in the platform. At the same time, you can be sure that you’re aligning your bank with your values, to take one more step toward protecting the places we love for outdoor recreation for generations of women and girls to come.

Our community has grown over the past year, with many new people coming together to support SheJumps’ mission, get outdoors, breathe the fresh air and connect with the scenery around us. We are a small team (a staff of just three people) supported by an incredible network of passionate volunteers that provide programs and impact reaching more than 8,000 women and girls each year. Our intention is to continue to offer inspirational opportunities that increase the participation of women and girls in outdoor activities - to foster confidence, leadership, and connection to nature and community through free and low-cost outdoor education.
There are many ways to get involved with SheJumps, at all levels, to make a difference in igniting human potential through outdoor play–read more here!
Switching your bank might not seem like much, but in just 2 minutes you can help us raise additional funding and break up with a bank that probably wasn’t that into you anyway.
Check it out for yourself here!
And be sure to check out our upcoming events here at SheJumps, it’s going to be an amazing summer - thank you for your support!
