I received my mountain biking Hero Kit just over a week ago and finally had the opportunity to use it today! The guide that comes along had with the kit lays out how to repair some of the most common issues a mountain biker will encounter, and even comes with a rating system so you know how difficult of a repair you’re embarking on! In addition to the guide the mountain biking kit contains: 1) 12-function multitool, 2) duct tape, 3) multi-use wipes, 4) zip ties, 5) gear cable, 6) Tyvek patch frame bolt & cleat bolt, 7) Planet Bike tire levers and patch kit, 8) missing link-9, and 9) missing link-10. It fits easily into a small pack, along with the other essentials, and is extremely light so you don’t feel weighted down.
Today, I was able to use the 12-function multitool to tighten the reflector on my bike. It’s been wobbling around for a while, but I always forget to fix it by the time I’m home – good thing I had my Hero Kit with me to address it on the trail! Luckily I didn’t run into any major issues on my trip today, but it was nice knowing that I would be prepared if a situation arose.

For all the road bikers out there, Hero Kit has you covered too – there’s a road bike version available! There’s also a crash pack version, which would be good to have for any kind of biking.
I’m super happy to have a Hero Kit to provide peace of mind while out on the trail!
– Cristy