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Writer's pictureAngela Crampton

Jumping for 5 Years: Celebrating SheJumps Team Members

SheJumps runs with a small and mighty team. There’s no question—our organization wouldn’t be where it is today without our truly amazing volunteers. Volunteers are the true girafficorns–they dedicate time (over 150 hours per year, at a minimum!) to a mission they are passionate about while juggling professions, life, and outdoor pursuits.

This year, we’re excited to celebrate the five year anniversary of these individuals’ commitment to our mission of getting more women and girls outside. Our team came together to share the impacts and dedication that sometimes goes unnoticed. Thank you all for the time and energy you give to SheJumps. We’re lucky to have you as part of our team.

Kim Holloway, Idaho Regional Coordinator

Yulia Dubinina

Photos by Ryan French

“Thorough. Committed. Caring. Intelligent. Strong. Passionate.

We could come up with about a dozen more adjectives and it still would never suffice to describe how much impact Yulia has created during her time with our organization. Yulia joined SheJumps as an ambassador in 2015 and then took over as our Washington State Regional Coordinator in 2016. Washington state (as many of you know) is a major area for SheJumps, and if you've participated in a Washington SheJumps event at any point in the last 5 years, we'd put good money on Yulia being part of overseeing it in some capacity. Just how many events has Yulia helped come to fruition? By our calculations, Yulia has created more than 120 events (at least!), helping provide more than 1,000 women and girls experience the outdoors with the help of the Washington team of ambassadors and the outlying community. And community is the keyword here. Left to her own devices, Yulia is modest beyond belief—she'll be the first to tell you that there are many other people who've helped make all these things happen.

In addition to what we just described, Yulia also helped to build our current website in her spare time. By day, she is a software engineer for Microsoft. We are lucky to have Yulia step into the role of Information Technology Director to help our small-but-mighty-org step into the future of leveraging technology to better accomplish our mission. Yulia, we are so grateful to you. Here's to (at least) another 5 years!” —Claire Smallwood, Executive Director

Kim Holloway

“Happy 5 year SheJumps anniversary Kim! I am so happy to be on this adventure with you.

Of all the gear we take on our adventures (skis, bikes, runners, yoga mats, ropes, paddle boards, boats, carabiners, etc) an adventure buddy is the most important thing on my list.

I’m thankful for all the laughs and selfies we’ve shared!” —Stacey Hopstad, Idaho Regional Coordinator

Left to right: Stacey and Kim

Stacey Hopstad

"It's great to volunteer with an organization you love but it's NEXT LEVEL AWESOME when you can do it with your best buddy. Stacey is a hard worker who's excitement for the outdoors is contagious. She's never met a problem she can't figure out which is why they call her the female MacGyver. Actually they don't, but they should. If you're lucky enough to know Stacey, you're lucky enough, and I'm excited to keep going on this journey with her." —Kim Holloway, Idaho Regional Coordinator

Krystin Norman

Photo credit: L: Jason Hummel, R: Ryan French

“Krystin joined SheJumps as an Ambassador in Washington state back in 2014. Right from the first moment of her joining, she was full of ideas and stoke to create more opportunities for women to be able to do outdoor things that she loves. I remember kicking off the first event we did together in the fall of 2015 at Seattle Bouldering Project, both of us new to event coordination, marketing and fundraising space. I could not have asked for a better partner to help guide and stand by me as we both continued to grow our skills in the non-profit sector. Over the past 5 (almost 6!) years Krystin have created many new opportunities for women to get outside, building programs from the ground up, one of them being the Snowpack Avalanche Scholarship. This coming year the Snowpack program continues to expand, bringing more opportunities for women all over the US. Did I mention that she did all that while also working a full time job? I am so proud and thankful to have a team member like Krystin as part of our SheJumps family!” —Yulia Dubinina, IT Director (former WA Regional Coordinator)

Alex Norton

“Alex has been with the SheJumps Northeast team for 5 years! In that time the NE has tripled in size! Alex's passion for the outdoors and love of building community made her a perfect fit to be on the SheJumps team. She is the one you can count on to be cheering you on at events and getting the energy level up to convince women to get out and ski on a 0 degree winter night. She has been by my side at great times at SheJumps events but also through life's tough times and her support and encouragement make everything better. Alex is not only a SheJumps Regional Coordinator but an amazing mother and wife, a best friend and always has the best outfits ( I think she was meant to live in the 70's and rocks it!). Thankful for you Alex!” Brittany Wolcott, Northeast Regional Director

Elise Trauscht

“Elise is one of those people who has served in almost every volunteer role in the organization. (If you ordered anything off of our website in the past 4 years, she was the one who packaged it!) Originally hailing from Illinois, Elise is from a family of skiers but climbing is her true passion. She's a major boss at an Intermountain medical clinic, but you might not know it from chatting with her. Humble, kind, and always with a huge smile, Elise started as an ambassador in 2015. She also served as the Utah Regional Coordinator and stepped up to also lead the Intermountain region as a Regional Director. She's rounded out her volunteering by now running all of our administrative tasks in Salt Lake City. She always tries to volunteer at our annual SheJumps into the Canyon event and makes sure our girls from Hartland Community 4 Youth and Families have all the gear they need (she also keeps our storage unit tidy and organized!). Elise is another example of how the magic of SheJumps requires some behind the scenes blood, sweat, and tears. We are so appreciative of all that you do for the organization, Elise!” —Claire Smallwood, Executive Director

Get involved

Inspired by these individuals? We are, too! Here are a few ways you can get involved with SheJumps (even when we aren’t hosting in-person events). We do advertise for our volunteer team (Brand Ambassadors, Event Coordinators, and Regional Coordinators) from time-to-time, so please make sure you are subscribed to our email newsletter to be the first to know when those applications go live!

You can get involved with SheJumps at all levels to make a difference in igniting human potential through outdoor play.

  1. Subscribe to our email newsletters.

  2. Donate to help SheJumps continue our impactful work to empower women and girls.

  3. Join your regional team–applications open once a year.

  4. Become a volunteer!

  5. Contribute: Have a fun SheJumps story? Share it with the team as a blog post or tag @SheJumps on social media.

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