Welcome to the Board of Directors: Connie Marshall. We’re excited to have you and learn more about you.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself.
As an Alta Ski Area employee since the mid seventies, I hope I forged a bridge in the tourism community, specifically in the ski industry. The success I believe I had was bringing in diversity to a top-heavy male dominated management style with helping women understand that there were opportunities–and changes that needed to occur. My passion for the mountains and the greater tourism community are still unrequited, and I desire to find an opportunity to continue working. Currently I enjoy board positions with University of Utah Marriott Library Ski Archives, Alta Community Enrichment , Our Lady of the Snows trustees group, Alta Chamber & Visitors Bureau, SheJumps and Cottonwood Canyons Foundation. I was also involved for over 8 years with a parent board at the University of Utah.
I am now enjoying another professional passion-–for my entire adult life I have been an avid volunteer in the schools, both in my hometown of Newark, Ohio–and throughout our three kids' educational experiences. I work with a great team at Mountain West Montessori Academy in South Jordan, UT and absolutely love the challenge.
Q: Place of work, title, location.
A: I retired at the end of 2018 from a 44 year career with Alta Ski Area/Alta Utah as Director of Marketing and Public Relations.

Q: Why did you join SheJumps as a board member?
A: I have been familiar with SheJumps since its inception. I knew two of the founders very well through my professional work with athletes and journalists at Alta Ski Area. When SheJumps started putting together SheJumps Into the Canyon, I was the main contact for the development of the program at the ski area. When asked if I were interested in being on the board, it was a no-brainer!.
Q: What goal of the SheJumps 5 year Strategic Plan is the most important to you?
A: My most important goal is “SheJumps is a leading resource of free and low-cost access to outdoor education for girls and women of all backgrounds.” To me it is the cornerstone of what we are all about.
Q: What do you hope to contribute to the SheJumps Board of Directors?
A: For my last year on the SJ Board I want to begin the discussion of adding women 60+ to our programming strategy. It is a time of life where women begin to lose confidence for a variety of physical and cultural reasons. I envision a strong invitation to support these women. Additionally, I feel that this segment could be cultivated to mentor other girls and women we address in our statement: SheJumps motivates women and girls of all backgrounds to step out of their comfort zone in a fun, non-threatening, inclusive environment to learn outdoor skills. We bridge the divide between intimidating experience and confidence-building empowerment.
Q: What is your vision for SheJumps?
A: I would like for SheJumps to be recognized as one of the leading (if not the leading) organizations for opening up the outdoor space for all who have been left behind in being able to have access and comfort in the amazing power being outdoors provides.
Now, it’s time for the lightning round:
Q: Outdoor activity of choice (pick one, two if you must)?
A: Telemark/Nordic skiing
Q: Who inspires you to go outside and why?
A: I have always felt the joy of being outside since I was little. Beginning with family hikes and picnics growing up in Ohio, participating in summer tennis programs as a teen, then ultimately finding my special place living and working in one of the most beautiful mountain environments in the world for my entire adult life have provided me with skills, happiness and ultimate appreciation for the magic and mystery of the outdoors.
Q: Where is your favorite place to go outside or on an adventure?
A: Not a fair question! It is hard to pick a place or an experience. I have always found peace in the high mountain meadows, in both winter and summer. Waking to a sunrise on a small lake in Michigan I have been visiting for almost 60 years and running through the pine forests ranks high as well.
Q: How has the outdoors benefited your health and overall physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing?
A: I am in my mid-sixties and feel amazingly physically strong in many endeavors- I have had a lifetime of being addicted to recreating outside. It goes without saying that the emotional and spiritual wellbeing has followed the good fortune of being able to have the outdoors as a friend.