Welcome to the Board of Directors: Rachelle Stanko. We’re excited to have you and learn more about you.

“I am extremely passionate about one thing and that is volunteering!” Being a part of an organization, building community, and helping raise funds to support a cause brings me a sense of belonging unlike anything else. I learned this at an early age, growing up in a home where volunteering was a vital part of family life. I continue to foster her love of volunteering through my current involvement as a SheJumps Board member. Previously, I spent 26 years volunteering for the Junior League in both St Paul, MN and Tacoma, WA.
I am a mom to Annelene and wife to Mike. Raised in MN, another family tradition was Sunday outdoor time regardless of the temperature or weather. Cross country skiing in -10 degrees? Yep, sign me up! I brought this love of the outdoors to my husband and daughter - together, they spend as much time on the trails (snow covered preferably) and on/in the water, embracing all the goodness mother nature serves up. Spending time outside is key to maintaining both my physical and mental health and balances out time spent at a desk. In my professional career, I've mastered the art of project/program management helping drive change and grow program engagement at both REI & Nordstrom.
Q: Place of work, title, location.
A: Nordstrom, Sr. Program Mgr, Seattle
Q: Why did you join SheJumps as a board member?
A: To help deliver our mission more widely and positively impact more women and girls, exposing them to the beauty of outdoor activity
Q: What goal of the SheJumps Strategic Plan is the most important to you?
A: Increasing and diversifying our donor/sponsor base to help us reach more women and girls to get them outside!
Q: What do you hope to contribute to the SheJumps Board of Directors?
A: I strongly believe in the power of outdoor time and recognize we have a fantastic opportunity to leverage our mission to diversify our fundraising revenues. I want to share our mission with more non-traditional funders to grow our financial base.
Q: What is your vision for SheJumps?
A: I want to see SheJumps programming throughout the US & Canada! I would love for us to find a way to incorporate our mission and programming into early childhood education (a huge dream!)
Now, it’s time for the lightning round:
Q: Outdoor activity of choice (pick one, two if you must)?
A: Downhill skiing
Q: Who inspires you to go outside and why?
A: My daughter - I want to always be able to recreate outdoors with her, especially as I age!
Q: Where is your favorite place to go outside or on an adventure?
A: Anywhere with snow!
Q: How has the outdoors benefited your health and overall physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing?
A: Being outdoors has always recharged me and given me a refreshed mindset. One of the greatest advantages of working from home is the ability to be outside much more frequently - walking, hiking, boating, skiing.
Connect with Rachelle on LinkedIn and Instagram.