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SheJumps Wilderness Navigation NH May 19th

Writer: DirectorDirector

This SheJumps event will cover map and compass wilderness navigation in a hands-on outdoor setting. There are times it is not enough to rely on digital devices and this class will help you learn the skills needed to orient yourself on a trail, how to properly use a map and compass to find and adjust your route, and gain confidence in the outdoors.

Tickets– Click here to sign up

Required Pack List ○ Baseplate-styled compass ○ Pencil ○ Ruler ○ Notepad ○ Small hiking backpack with lunch, snacks and water ○ First aid, etc…. and all of your typical hiking accessories ○ Eye protection (prescription glasses will work fine; shop glasses or sunglasses are also good) ○ Bug repellent (head net if you use one) ○ Sun protection: sun screen; ball cap ○ Whistle (in case you get separated from the group)

Clothing: as portions of our hike will be off trail through the woods, consider wearing long pants and a lightweight long-sleeved shirt to protect your arms and legs from scratches. Bring a rain shell and/or whatever layers you might typically carry. Because this is a very hands on class, we recommend leaving trekking poles at home if at all possible.

This event will run rain or shine! If the weather appears to trend toward rain, please line the inside of your pack with a garbage bag to keep your pack’s contents dry, and remember to pack your full rain gear



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