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Snowpack Scholarship Overview 2019

Writer: DirectorDirector

Updated: Jul 2, 2020

During the 18/19 winter season, SheJumps and the Northwest Avalanche Center (NWAC) launched the Snowpack Avalanche Scholarship Program in an effort to bring affordable avalanche education opportunities to low-income women and women of color in the Pacific Northwest. The scholarship program was created by SheJumps and NWAC volunteers, and made possible with support from K2 Skis and Fremont Brewing. In the months of February and March, a total of 30 women attended AIARE Level 1: Decision Making in Avalanche Terrain at a 50-100% discounted price. Of the 30 women attending, 50% of scholarship recipients identified as women of color. Courses were led by all-female instructors from Mountain Madness guiding service in the Stevens Pass and Mount Rainier National Park areas. Meet the scholarship winners and the amazing volunteer crew who helped make this program happen! "

Course #1:

Name: Erin Mariko Ching

Location: Everett, WA

Sport: Snowshoer

“Most folks don't know how much they sacrifice when they force themselves to learn in uncomfortable spaces. I am super excited to learn amongst individuals with similar backgrounds, experiences and identities because I want to create community and engage in peer mentorship.”

Name: Tara Chowdhury

Location: Oregon

Sport:  Skier

“ I would like to be able to be a bridge between the world of backcountry snow travel and many friends of mine who have no experience in the backcountry due to a lack of cultural exposure and fear of the unknown.”

Name: Trixie Magsarili

Location: Bellevue, WA

Sport: Skier

“I LOVE teaching people to ski- from those beginners just experiencing snow for the first time, to those hungry to improve so that they too can further their enjoyment of winter sports”

Name: Leslie Phu

Location: Splitboarder

Sport: Portland, Oregon

“I also hope to obtain the do’s and don’ts of backcountry traveling, and how to successfully find and save someone who has been buried. With this knowledge, I can help my colleagues stay safe in all conditions, and hopefully prevent any avalanches.”

Name: Charlotte Horsey

Location: Washington

Sport: Skier

“ As a minority in technical winter pursuits, I think it’s important to create these kinds of spaces where women can freely support each other, empower each other, and build our networks of fellow like-minded fun-seekers!”

Name: Randi William

Location: Washington

Sport: Splitboarder

“I have inspired those around me by doing what I want in life. I have looked at the obstacles thrown at me and overcome them and haven't been afraid to try new things, be new at something, or even travel to a new place”

Name: Sophia Whittaker

Location: Winthrop, WA

Sport: Skier

“ I think it’s important to give women these opportunities to discover this sport. Often I’ve met women who’ve followed their male partner into the backcountry because it was expected of their relationship rather than it being their desire. Giving women the knowledge and

opportunity to realize just how capable they are and how amazing the sport can be is vital.”

Name: Hannah Robideaux

Location: Washington

Sport: Skier

“We, as women, must work together to create a safe and inclusive space for learning and growth. Often times, I believe that all-female environments are the best environment to challenge vulnerability and strength in the industry.”

Name: Ina Waring-Enriquez

Location: Leavenworth, WA

Sport: Splitboarder

“ How are we supposed to inspire young women to "get after it" when they look at what is represented in backcountry skiing and snowboarding and they don't see a single face that resembles their own? We can do better.”

Name: Jana Kincl

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Snowshoer

“Women are a powerful force and when we come together amazing things happen. I believe the women's only education will provide a safe and comfortable space for women to be women and encourage each other to continue to be awesome. I wish to participate because I want to meet other women who want to do the same thing as me!

Course # 2

Name: Aimee Mattson

Location: Washington

Sport: Splitboarder

“ I chose to spend my time working with mainly youth because I feel it is up to us older generations to set the plant form and foundation of what our future leaders need to know in order to preserve

our earth and all of us who inhabit it.”

Name: Nina Waters

Location: Silverthorne, Co

Sport: Skier

“ I try to donate my time when I can, and am very involved in my towns art in public spaces initiatives, as well as a local CSA. I myself am a very inclusive person. Maybe that's because I'm a black woman who lives and operates in mostly white spaces, so when I see someone who looks like me (out of place)

I make it my priority to reach out to them.”

Name: Amy Roll

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Skier

“I learned that the best way I can use my privilege and leadership is to stand back and support others so that they can lead. When I was working in Uganda, one of my proudest achievements was pushing my organization to bring women from the communities where we were implementing programs

to meet policymakers in the capitol. The women so often had

other people speak for them, but this gave them the

opportunity to ask their government

for improved basic health and sanitation

Name: Cassie Wells Lumbraza

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Splitboarder

“ I have a deep love and respect for the mountains, the snow, and the resources they provide. I want to take every opportunity possible to get out there, but the mountains out here are a lot bigger and badder

than the east and I want to make sure that I have

the training I need to keep myself and others in my group safe. “

Name: Christine Topinka

Location: Bellevue,WA

Sport: Snowshoer

“I would love to create an opportunity for inner city kids who don't grow up with the benefits of extra-curricular activities to experience them. Things like camp, skiing, music... provide opportunities to expose young adults to various art/sport activities to help broaden their ability to see themselves doing things they may have never seen anyone in their family do.”

Name: Darlene Lovelace

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Snowshoer

“I love the community of active and outdoor women. I believe women empower each other when we're together and can be ourselves. Nothing against men, I know many males who are supportive and humble. But there is greatness when women come together.”

Name: Megan Tyler Plog

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Skier

“The outdoor industry is exceedingly white, exceedingly male, and exceedingly straight. As great as Instagram is for sharing beautiful places, it can also make folks who don't feel like they don't have the right clothes/equipment/hair/whatever believe that they can't get outside and participate in recreational activities. I've tried to combat that with my own instagram feed (@gillygoat) making sure people know that it's not the equipment or the fancy clothes that make the outdoors what it is - it's the experiences you gain from being out there.”

Name: Shannon Malamphy

Location: Gresham, OR

Sport: Skier

“Being a part of such empowering, radiating, and communal experiences is an path I would like to continue on. Friendship can be key to getting outside! Whether going

out with your friends or just being friends

with the earth, it draws you to the outdoor world.”

Name: Natalie Magnus

Location: Anacortes, WA

Sport: Splitboarder

“It is necessary and important to bring everyone to the table and realize we all have far more in common with each other than what divides us. The future is depending on us to provide leadership against environmental injustice, racism, sexism, and so much more. We can do better. I am inspired by many of the companies and programs I have learned of throughout the years including SheJumps and others with a similar mission. The more we make outdoor adventure available and accessible to oppressed and underrepresented identities, the more likely we will have diverse and equitable leadership and policies in the future. This is the most important and pressing component in my sphere of influence, and I want to put all of my energy to being a part of the solution.”

Name: Samantha Spaeth

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Skier

“The slopes have always been an escape for me. One of the few places I feel completely myself. I feel totally energized, connected to something greater than myself. It’s a connection point with the earth and my fellow skiers that brings me such joy and peace.”

Course #3

Name: Emily Russell

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Skier

“Many children grow up to be adults and deciding things for our nation without ever going off the grid and seeing the beauty that our planet offers. I think building up our youth and sharing the potential that outdoor recreation can bring them is an important way to benefit society as a whole.”

Name: Vanessa Quince

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Snowshoer

“My community is women of color, and I believe one way to increase representation is through having people who look like you do things that you would never dream of. I'm so used to people telling me my winter sports are "white people activities," by becoming more educated about the backcountry, I want to show that they're not. Rather, it tends to be white people who can afford these activities.”

Name: Lace Lawrence

Location: Western WA

Sport: Skier

“ I personally think the outdoors is full of gatekeepers and I strive to throw open the gates and welcome people in through education and a safe, supportive place to learn.”

Name: Mumtaz  Mesania

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Snowshoer

“The outdoors helped me recover from my divorce and cope with extreme stress. I am using my experience to help my friends in the Latino and Indian community. I have been leading easy hikes for my close single mom friends and show them how powerful nature can be. Nature is a powerful healer.”

Name: Claire Giordano

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Skier

“My long-term vision and primary reason for applying for this scholarship is my goal of working with scientists to communicate climate change and scientific research through art. This goal began eight years ago when I spent twelve days on Mount Baker for an Inspiring Girls Expedition

that blended glaciology, mountaineering, and art...

It is my hope that through art I can inspire others to get outside,

to learn about our natural environment,

and to become more aware of the visible

impacts of a warming planet that can be seen in our lifetimes.”

Name: Hannah Richardson

Location: Bend, OR

Sport: Skier

“Creating diversity in all parts of the outdoors is something that I'm committed to. As part of the LGBTQ+ community, I understand the weight that my identity holds for students that may also identify as such. I've never had any LGBTQ+ mentors in any sector of the outdoors and I hope that I can change that experience for the youth I am working with.”

Name: Li-Ann Yap

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Snowshoer

“There’s solidarity that comes with being part of a community who can relate to the challenges I’ve experienced and overcome as a woman of color in the outdoors. Also, as compared to co-ed outdoor education events, my time with women's-only groups has equated to freedom to focus on being an active participant rather than an observer or a token representative for all women.”

Name: Mary Stucker Weir

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Skier

“I would love to approach skiing the same way that I approach hiking: as an exploration. I find the idea of the backcountry to be thrilling - to have the ability to access terrain that is inaccessible otherwise. Until now, skiing has been a fun and thrilling activity, but it has not enabled me to go places, where I wouldn't have been able to go otherwise. I would love to change that.”

Name: Lani Chang

Location: Port Angeles, WA

Sport: Skier

“...I have recently taken to and become quite passionate about increasing diversity, equity,and inclusion in outdoor and environmental spaces. Within my community, I am constantly trying to push and have difficult conversations around issues of representation. The conversations are messy and not always perfect, but I believe

that it is so important to talk about these

issues and work through them together.”

Name: Kristine Vose

Location: Seattle, WA

Sport: Skier

“Backcountry activities are not bound by age, gender or socioeconomic status and therefore I know that no matter where I am in my life's journey this is something I will always have and would love more than anything to be able to share with my children.”

Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen:

Brenda Hollon

Mountain Madness, AIARE Instructor & Guide


Lyra Pierotti

Mountain Madness, AIARE Instructor & Guide


Laura LeBlanc

Mountain Madness, AIARE Instructor & Guide


Mallorie Estenson

Mountain Madness, AIARE Instructor & Guide

Skiing & Snowmobiling

Kate Hourihan

Northwest Avalanche Center, Graphic Artist

Skiing & Snowmobiling

Scott Schell

Northwest Avalanche Center, Executive Director


Anna Meehan

Northwest Avalanche Center, Media Coordinator

Snowboarding & Skiing

Charlotte Guard

Northwest Avalanche Center, Development & Communications Manager


Cheri Higman

Northwest Avalanche Center, Education & Outreach Manager


Claire Smallwood

SheJumps Executive Director


Maddie Todd

SheJumps, Washington Ambassador


Humaira Falkenberg

SheJumps, Vice President of the Board

Snowboarding & Skiing

Yulia Dubinina

SheJumps, Washington Regional Coordinator

Skiing & Snowmobiling

Krystin Norman

SheJumps, Washington Ambassador


Adriana Arjona

Arc'teryx Seattle


Carly Rogers-Dayton

Arc'teryx Seattle

Snowboarding & Snowshoeing

Thanks to the companies who helped make this happen!

Scholarship Funding

Scholarship Volunteer Work

Guiding Service

Scholarship Funding

Avalanche Safety Gear Demos

Creation of Profiles and Outdoor Community Support


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