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Wild Skills Junior Ski Patrol

Who We Are

SheJumps Wild Skills Junior Ski Patrol is a one-day camp where girls learn mountain safety and first aid while working with the strong women of the ski patrol community and SheJumps volunteers. Throughout the day, participants are taught a range of outdoor skills that are utilized by ski patrollers to keep the mountain safe. Topics include first aid, avalanche control, snow science, weather stations, toboggans, avalanche rescue techniques, radio communication, avalanche dogs, and much more. There are also plenty of snack breaks, high fives, and unicorns delivering hot cocoa! 


Our goal with SheJumps Wild Skills youth events is to see girls learning, having fun, and connecting in an encouraging environment with amazing instruction and support from female mentors. We want Junior Ski Patrol to be an experience they will remember, one that will spark a lifetime of passion for the outdoors, and will remind them that they are capable of anything. Giving participants the opportunity to learn skills in a fun yet challenging setting develops perseverance and fosters confidence



This program provides the opportunity to learn the skills utilized by patrollers, nurtures a respect for mountain safety and allows for young girls to connect with the strong women of the mountain community.


Participants are divided into teams by skier/rider ability, then age. Each team consists of 8 girls and is lead by a patroller who is aided by 2-3 adult volunteers. The team rotates through a variety of stations and group demonstrations throughout the day culminating in a Junior Ski Patrol certificate.


Costumes and tutus are encouraged.


Participants learn what it takes to be a first responder on the mountain.  Skill covered include:

  • How to report and respond to incidents

  • Splinting and bandaging

  • Stabilizing injured and transporting "injured" patients (participants take turns role playing patients!)

  • Toboggan handling skills



Female patrollers demonstrate and share what it takes to open resorts. Stations include:

  • Weather

  • Avalanche safety, including using a beacon, shovel, and probe to find buried treasure

  • Avalanche dog rescue demonstration

  • Snow science

Join in the Fun!

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